Monday, August 3, 2009

Race Results, Simrad 60, MixTmotions came 12th across the line and 6th on handicap

Mix T Motions – Richard Edlin design 8.0 Metre

Simrad 60 Report, Shorthaul Sport Boat Division

The Crew
Our crew was made up of myself (Ben Allen), and Simon Chisolm, this is the first time we have sailed together.

The Start
We started towards the back of the fleet, and as we tacked up the Rangi channel, it felt like we were still at the back (because we were), when you don’t see any boats behind you that’s a bad sign. Just off Takapuna we tacked back on to port and we were laying the end of the Whangaparoa peninsula, finally we felt a bit more sorted.

Up to Navy Buoy
Most of our fleet appeared to be below us and ahead of us. The moment of truth would come at Navy buoy, especially if the other boats had to tack to get around it. The wind was gusting, and Mix T Motions was enjoying the stronger wind periods, rounding up on the odd occasion, our small headsail and heavy duty main well suited to the conditions. As we neared Navy Buoy there was a convergence of boats (the others got around without tacking), and we recognised Train Smash (SR26) and Grunty Chicken from our division, who both rounded ahead of us, we were also not far behind the young 88, Eye Spy.

Navy Buoy to Gannet Rock
The gusty conditions had me a bit concerned about blowing the kite out, but we couldn’t not put one up, the other boats we could see had opted for masthead so we decided to do the same. Up she went without a hitch and the boat surged off. On the gusts we were getting some good bursts of speed and burying the nose a bit, Simon was never far from the sheet in case of a broach and on one occasion we came close but he managed to get it eased in time.
We could see Train Smash, they were a fair way ahead now but for some reason they weren’t flying their kite any more, they were also a fair bit lower than us.
Big black clouds were looming behind and off to our port side, conditions were looking ominous.
Then there was a sudden change in sea state with a very lumpy northerly swell appearing, along with a sudden wind shift to the south west which saw us alter course to avoid a gybe we were now well of course heading north of Gannet, then the kite blew out, so we dropped it into the water and pulled it aboard then Gybed the main across, back on course. We were four miles from Gannet and opted to pole out the Gib, rather than put up the fractional kite. Eye Spy still had their kite up but looking around I couldn’t see many others, we could see Grunty Chicken and Train smash who both appeared to be carrying gennakers.

Gannet to the Finish

Rounding Gannet we were hard on the wind in a healthy breeze, good conditions for us, and we started to make some progress on some of the boats ahead of us. Train Smash was easy to spot with her bright red hull so we set our sights on them and eventually overtook them just before saying good bye to Waiheke, It was interesting to see us tack and come up close to Eye Spy again also.
Then as we passed izzy bay the wind dropped, Eye Spy changed to a number one and crept away from us, and the boats behind seemed to be getting bigger, including Train Smash.

We over took Party Piedy and Saint Fintain from the small boat division. Then 100metres from the finish Train Smash overtook us. Finishing about a minute ahead.

By the time I got home the results were already up on the website, amazing stuff SSANZ!
We came 6th on handicap and 12th over the line in our division.
Thanks SSANZ for another great race.

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